Sunday, April 10, 2011

I do love the weekend!

The weather was so beautiful this weekend! I spent the majority of it outside and with friends!

Saturday we went hiking in the park, then we went to the beach. We also saw Never Say Never! You know, the Justin Bieber movie?! For $3! I have to give it to the kid. He's very talented! He is also extremely passionate about music, and has been from a young age. He's an inspiration, really, but I'll admit that I didn't like him much before. Then I realised, who am I to hate on him? He's doing what he loves and is fortunate to be able to make a living doing it! I respect that.

Sunday was spent at another park! This time we brought a blanket and did some serious reading after a short hike through the woods. (I'm reading Water for Elephants!) We also played a pretty mean game of Scrabble, which I won. Woohoo! =D We wrote a super silly story by each taking turns writing a sentence. Haha! I enjoy doing nerdy things like that. Then we had dinner at our favorite Mexican place, and after that met up with some more friends at Applebee's. Just to hang out and catch up, though, since we already ate! Since the weather was still super lovely, we came back to my house for some drinks and conversation. Always a fun time!

I finally got a chance to wear the Polos I bought over the winter! I hadn't wanted to ruin them by wearing them in the snow or anything like that! By the way, all of these photos were processed using the Instagram app on my iPhone. I seriously love it! Best app I never paid for. Gotta love free stuff! =)

I hope you had as splendid of a weekend as I did!

